It cost $214K, and our mortgage payments will be just under $2,000 per month. We're hoping to rent out the upstairs for $1,000 per month, and we'll live downstairs until our house on S. Alexander is fixed. We hope that we'll be back for Christmas, though it will probably take a full year. Then we hope to rent out both units. The duplex is convenient because it is only one block away from our house. This is a huge step for us financially, and we certainly can't afford to keep the rental units empty for too long. We thought this made more sense for us at this stage of our lives than renting an apartment for a year. Also, last weekend, I noticed that I am getting too old to move. I pray that I only have to move once more in my life: back to my home on South Alexander.
So if you know anyone looking for a two bedroom apartment in Mid-City, let them know that Therese and I are anxious to be landlords. I'd even share some of my beer with them.
You're still such a Middie. We call a duplex a double in NOLA, Bible Dude.
Adrastos is angry because I have hair.
It's very yellow. Good luck.
That looks like a good beer drinking porch.
Bite me, cornhusker. Of course, you may be right. But repeat after me: double, double, double.
It is a double. It is a great beer drinking porch. It is so yellow it hurts my dogs' eyes. It is as yellow as Nebraska corn.
Adrastos, Michael...You guys are both a bunch of cornjerkers. 8-)
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