Senator Mary Landrieu responded: "The president’s assertion that the federal response to Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent levee breaks was anything but slow and disgracefully dysfunctional reveals that the administration’s tunnel vision has unfortunately remained constant since August 29, 2005. Clearly there were mistakes made at every level of government, and I and other Louisiana leaders have accepted responsibility for our own. But no state is equipped to respond to a catastrophe of this magnitude, and for this reason, federal law specifically tasks the federal government to step up. It did not, and the president's failure to account for that responsibility more than three years later is terribly disappointing."
Even Republicans Jindal and Vitter were critical of the initial response, and even more so about how little has been done the past 3 1/2 years to help us recover. Jindal stated more could be done to cut through the federal red tape. Of course it could.
So thanks Coast Guard. You guys and girls were real heroes after the federal levees failed and you saved many lives. I was here to see it. When the levees broke G.W. Bush was eating birthday cake with his friend John "that one" McCain a thousand miles away from here.
8 more days, just 8 more days.
I got so disgusted at one point during the press conference that I actually threw something at the TV.
Only one week left...hope we survive it.
Was it a shoe, or better yet, a pretzel? Repeat after me... Please please please Israel don't bomb Iran in the next week.
Just a pen, it was a totally lymbic response, no upper brain involvement in the item thrown.
I'm glad it wasn't something that could've broken the TV...tho' I have wanted to get a flat screen for awhile... Might've been the justification I needed ;-)
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