This morning Therese and I woke up early and got in line at 5:30 AM in order to vote in this incredible election. Our precinct primarily consists of African Americans, and I was fascinated to overhear some of the conversations. The man behind me was talking to his sister in Ohio and they joked about how her vote counted more than his. After hanging up with his sister, he told me that after he voted he was going to Obama headquarters to drive a bus to get people to the polls. An elderly lady in front of me spoke about how she was voting with her great grandmother in her heart, as her grandmother had been a slave. But beyond the words, there was a feeling of substantive cultural change. When the polling place opened at 6AM, there was loud applause and shouts of jubilation. One man towards the front of the line shouted "How does it feel to be making history, baby!"
I know the power and the reality of the presidential office can compromise the best intentions. And there is a great deal of damage to overcome. Yet I have hope today, hope for New Orleans, hope for the United States of America, and hope for the world. I have a great deal of faith in the man pictured above. Well done Obama campaign, and well done America!
For the first time, African Americans really feel like a part of the political process, like they are finally truly enfranchised. Some will chide me and say that color shouldn't matter but history has shown otherwise. When one is marginalized and made to feel like a second-class citizen for decades based on nothing more than skin color, it's time. It's past time.
Here in liberalville by the bay the streets are empty of traffic, but the sidewalks are packed with people, seemingly just walking around smiling at each other. Black people, a beleaguered minority in San Francisco are walking around holding hands with their friends and loved ones. I've seen the sweetest smiles on the faces of people in this cynical city where scowling is the default expression. This is really nice.
and amen again!
I didn't hear his victory speech first hand, but I have the text here
I understand the feeling you mention about being in line and hearing conversations - I voted early, and the sense was one of real excitement. Completely different from anything I've ever experienced.
I was happy last night -- but this morning when Indiana slipped over to the blue column, I cheered audibly!!
It was cool to hear it in person. Chicago was CRAZY!
Howie Luvzus was lucky enough to be in Chicago, and he went to Grant Park to be a part of history.
I am so proud that my 18 year old daughter was a part of this voting process since she was a toddler she and her sisters have always been with their dad and I when we voted so it was instilled in them how important voting is.She couldn't wait to vote. We opened the polls up. My 86 year old grandmother marched with my Dr. King in the 60's and she never thought she would live to see this day come. She is truly elated.
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