I saw this sign at the Mid-City library. Are
oystery hands OK? What about lobstery? But seriously, there are crawfish everywhere this time of year. When I walk to work I see crawfish heads, tails, and pinchers all over the streets and sidewalks. The crawfishy carnage reminds me of the
Eid al-Adha feasts in Jordan and Palestine, where you would see goat body parts all over the street for a couple of weeks. Speaking of goats, did you ever notice how
Adrastos has "goaty" hands?
Later note: Adrastos plagiarizes this post and spells "library" incorrectly. What a malaka!
Me steal from you? Why would I do such an imbecilic thing? Besides, mine is date stamped 29 minutes earlier.
You only take my name in vain to get more hits. Malaka...
To answer Homan's first question. Yes, oystery hands are ok.
Oystery hands are only okay because one can't see the evidence of oysters eaten right off like they can crawfish.
And I must remind you all, neither crawfishy nor oystery hands are kosher.
Are we sure they don't mean people with just two digits per hand? Or one thumb and one "clamper"... It might tear the pages of books.
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