I've weighed 200 pounds for many years now, and I don't like it. I've decided to try to lose some weight. Today I started this strange fasting/cleansing diet where you only drink water mixed with grade B maple syrup, fresh lemon juice, and cayenne pepper. I predict that tomorrow I'll have a horrible headache as I go through diet coke withdrawal. I'll also be interested to see how my body responds to no beer. Enjoy it while you can liver!
Surely this is a sign of the End Times. Good luck! That drink sounds weird.
Dude, the camera's adding at least ten pounds to the scale.
Hi im just curious if this drink(term used lightly)worked for you..i have seen it alot but wasnt sure about the cayenne pepper part Lol
Curious 1, the drink was bizarre. The cayenne pepper especially. I lost about 12 pounds, but have since gained it all back of course. But it was overall a good experience not eating for a week, and thinking a lot about food and what I eat, etc.
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