My daughter
Kalypso made an 11 minute Quicktime video about New Orleans, Mardi Gras, and the recovery effort now six months after the hurricane/flood. I think she did a great job, especially for a 10-year-old.

You can see the movie
here (314 meg) or a smaller version
here (97 meg). The bandwidth frequently is exceeded on this site, so:
I also put it on
Hi.. I saw your video linked off of B's site.. I teach undergraduate students studying to be teachers about using technology at IU. Please tell your daughter that I am sharing a link to her video with my students so they can see how loud, strong, important, and persuasive an elementary student's voice can be, especially when they speak through video. Thank you and Calypso for taking the time to make and publish it!
Please mirror the video somewhere. I got a "bandwith all used up" mssg. Thanks.
There have been problems with the server for Kalypso's site. You can see it on You Tube though. Click the link above.
She did a great job. My 8 year old son watched it and it lead to a bunch of questions. He's aware of what happened having had kids in his school that had evacuated and our being from New Orleans. It's the first thing he's seen from a kid's point of view. I put it up on my blog, hope that that was okay with you.
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