
Thursday, February 05, 2009

A Mardi Gras Dream Fulfilled: We Join Krewe du Vieux

Thanks to Wet Bank Guy, his wife Rebecca, and sister Pamela, Therese and I will be marching with Krewe du Vieux this year in the sub-krewe Seeds of Decline. Liprap also just joined Seeds, so should be tons of blogger fun and debauchery. The theme this year: Stimulus Package, and Seeds of Decline's theme: Fannie Mae Goes Down. Pics to follow after the parade Saturday. I've wanted to be a part of this awesome event ever since I first saw it back when we moved to New Orleans in 2001. Just being in the den and working on the float for the past few weekends was fascinating and made me so happy to live in New Orleans.


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Congratulations and watch out for that macro-fenugreek guy in Pan dressed as a parrot.

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Actually, I have a few stuffed parrots to throw but will be costumed as Super Blogger. Homan's a rookie and a peon.

  3. I'm curious to see what the "Stimulus Package" theme will entail. Hope there will be photos. I've just stumbled across your blog. I'm living vicariously in New Orleans through New Orleans bloggers and through Google Maps. Perhaps one day I will get to live there myself.

    BTW, Since I'm nosy and read your history, I noticed that you are from Omaha -- home of one of my favorite bands, Cactus Nerve Thang.

  4. We're enjoying the stimulus package as Fannie Mae Goes Down on Wall Street.

    I' glad Micheal and Liprap will be joining the secret sub-krew of B.L.O.G. for this years march.

  5. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Welcome aboard, Champ. If you're still able to walk by the end, you're doing it wrong.
