
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Bill Cosby Notices Nagin "Not Really Doing Much"?

Bill Cosby spoke at the Essence Musical Festival in New Orleans yesterday. Cosby chastised absentee parents, and he spoke about having role models with education. Cosby stated "Take your children, show them Barack Obama, show them Michelle Obama. Say, 'This is what education does for you.'"

Then Cosby reportedly said "We got black mayors, some of them not really doing much," and then he raised an eyebrow. "You voted him in because of his color. Put responsible people in office."

I think he was talking about C. Ray Nagin, who was unavailable for comment, because he may or may not still be in South Africa or Dallas or having a tax payer funded dinner with his wife and many people pulling up chairs to talk about the city.


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Who cares about Nagin or the Essence Festival. These are bit players on the cosmic scene. Why all the ink? But speaking of ink, what about the Gabriel Revelation stone (ink on stone) Three feet high with 87 lines speaking of the rise of a Messiah in three days and which is dated before the birth of Christ? Is this a prechristian tradition or a foretelling? Now, that's a major player of cosmic import.

  2. I wrote about Gabriel's Revelation at Bibledudes.

  3. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Just read the piece at Bibledudes. There is a lengthy piece posted yesterday by Alan Boyle, science writer for MSNBC. That piece goes into more historical details. It appears in the blog Cosmic Log.
