
Monday, February 04, 2008

Broke Clavicle Impedes Bead Catching

Broke my clavicle in a bizarre Mardi Gras accident after Endymion Saturday night. Without going into too many details, the break involved king cake, big beads, a pothole, and perhaps some Southern Comfort. Mostly I blame the federal government.
Note: typing with one hand sucks. Now we're off to more parades. I can still catch with my right hand and my mouth when need be.


  1. Oh, no! It's supposed to be a Mardi Gras concussion (i.e., bead smacking upside the head) this time of year, not a broken clavicle!

    Fell better. R'fuah sh'leimah to you from me.

  2. I'm sorry about the broken bone. Glad to see you have a sense of humor about it. I laughed out loud at the "mostly I blame..." conclusion.

  3. I'm so proud of your proper use of osteological terms (clavicle vs collarbone). Now if we could just get you straight on the whole monkey/ape thing...

    Hope it heals fast - painful bone to break. Have you notice how much less efficient a brachiator you are now ?? ;-) There goes your dream to appear on American Gladiators any time too soon...

  4. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Girl drinks are dangerous, I warned ya. Hope you're feeling better.

  5. Fargin federal gubmint.

    My advice: drink heavily. And remember, I'm a doctor, doctor.

  6. Still sounds like the set of Mousehunt II to m.

    Take it easy and get well.

  7. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Carol told me not to post a smart-ass comment so I won't.

  8. Anonymous12:16 PM

    You are one fragile specimen.

    Damn, I've been waiting years to say that!

    I hope you didn't have a scooter accident on the way home from our party.

    I want to know how the king cake factored in.

    Heal up soon.

  9. Anonymous8:30 PM

    That is not what I said, close but not exactly.

  10. Got a laugh out loud here in South Bend ;-)

  11. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Southern Comfort is a "girl drink"? Yikes. I'm sorry 'bout your break, darlin'. Didn't seem to stop you much, though. :)
