
Monday, December 18, 2006

Some Good News & Some Great News

First, The Good News:
I just finished grading. I find it emotionally exhausting. I remember when I was a student, and how I felt that at times grades were unfair and subjective. Often times they were. A wise teacher here at Xavier, Dr. Rotondo-McCord, often tells students to not let grades get in the way of learning. Good advice. I also know that many students in my Theology 1120: Intro to Biblical Studies course work very very hard and wind up with a D. It is a difficult class. I ask my students to come up with a project that will improve the world, and then implement it, all the time writing about it in a blog. One of my students, Joseph Jones, wrote "I feel as though it (the blog&project) shouldn’t be graded because it will make someone feel like their hard work and time was useless." I wish I didn't have to grade their work as well.

Second, The Great News:
To quote Hammhawk: "Tenure. Got it. Most glad." I also got promoted to the rank of Associate Professor. Now those damned students will listen to what I say. Oh yeah, they'll listen now for sure...


  1. Congrats on both counts.

  2. Congratulations,

    Now you can really get down to really celebrating the holidays, Mr. Associate Professor.

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Great news, Mike. Obviously Xavier doesn't know about the beer hat or the costume you wore to Casa Kim...


  4. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I can't wait to hear you say...

    "That's _Professor_ Homan to you".

  5. Congratulations!
    Now, what are you going to go to celebrate? And where! I don't want to be caught in the blast radius......

  6. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Yea! Congratulations Michael!

  7. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Mark G.

    Great for you. You really deserve it. You're a great teacher and a very fine scholar. It's a privilege to be your friend and colleague.

