
Sunday, July 24, 2005

Letters I Get-The Negative Part

I'm still experiencing jet lag, and being wide awake at 4 AM, I thought I'd check my email. Someone wrote me the following:
"I just purchased "the Bible for Dummies" and searched on the net for your name just to inquire as to your choice of denomination. I was very disappointed to see that you were Roman Catholic as I feel that you would look at the Bible with a slant that would conflict with my Christian views ... I read the statement of faith from the adoption agency and I agree with their position. Catholics do not have the same biblical beliefs as Christians. I will now read the Bible for Dummies book with a different slant. I wonder what your co-authors religion is."

I receive about three of these types of letters each week. I'll bet people who study French History don't have to deal with this sort of thing.

1 comment:

  1. At least the guy (Now, why do I make the sexist assumption it was a guy?) has begun to practice reading critically... I'm always telling my students to ask themselves about the author of any work they read: Where're they coming from?

    On the other hand, what do you expect with a title like Bible for Dummies - do you expect many rocket scientists to read it?!
