
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

39 Years

Today is my birthday. I'm 39 years old today. That isn't much for a tortoise or an olive tree. It strikes me as no big deal, but I'm curious if 40 will be a bigger deal. I get anxious when months pass, being a workaholic and all. I feel I should have done more for instance when January's end rolls around. But the years don't really bother me. I heard that Jack Benny always told people he was 39, so it must be a good year. This morning my children and Therese woke me up singing happy birthday and they had a cool tribal mask for a gift and a nice card from Kalypso. That was a great way to start off the day. In about an hour I'm giving a lecture to faculty about my student blog project. Then tonight I'm taking students to hear Gabi Barkay, an Israeli archaeoligist and friend of mine (we worked together at Zeitah). It will be nice to see him, but even better to see my mom after the lecture, who is coming into town for Barkus this Sunday.

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