
Thursday, June 10, 2004

Jerusalem and the Albright Institute of Archaeological Research
I arrived in Israel on Wednesday, slept quite a bit, and now it is Thursday night. I've been able to use the library here to put my hands on a few articles I've needed. I also spent the day tracking down an Egyptian visa, as I'll be visiting Egypt in late July. I miss having a good library in New Orleans. Tomorrow I need to finish getting some electronic things and finish up some research, and then Saturday morning I'll head to Kibbutz Galon where the dig is headquartered. It is depressing to be at the Albright where so many of my friends are here, just completing or recently completed their PhDs, and do not have jobs. They are living year to year with various fellowships. That life is hard, as I know from experience. It is good to be back in Jerusalem. It feels like home. I am looking forward to getting back into the field.

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