
Saturday, January 10, 2004

Blog on Blog
This semester officially begins in 48 hours. This means as usual I didn't get as much accomplished on the atlas as I'd hoped. I'm close though. This semester I am trying something new. I'm having students blog before every class answers to specific questions. This is to both help them improve their writing and to pay close attention to the texts we're reading. Last semester I had them take online quizzes that I posted on Blackboard. The problem was the questions were multiple choice and I spent so much time in office hours fixing technical problems, not to mention the time involved with creating the quizzes. I think students will complain about the amount of writing they will have to do for my courses. In addition to blogs before each class, I'm assigning four papers five pages in length each. I've set the bar high, and will keep you, my faithful blog companion, abreast of how things are proceeding.

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