It used to have a nice Bedouin couple living in it. They were happy, sitting there in the tent, perpetually drinking their tea. Now they're gone without a trace. There are mouse teeth marks everywhere, and I think I've found the Bedouin man's moustache and kafilla mixed in with mouse feces on the floor. I was fond of that tent and the Bedouin family. I did my dissertation on ancient tents, and then published a revised version with Brill Academic under the long title: To Your Tents, O Israel!: The Terminology, Function, Form, and Symbolism of Tents in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East. It's not written for a general audience, though it got good reviews. It's currently listed as #3,179,731 in the Amazon.com sales rank. As part of the research I spent a great deal of time with real Bedouin in the south of Jordan, and this tent was a kitchy way for me to remember those times. The mouse is also chewing on my books.
So now my main goal in life is to bring this murderous mouse to judgement. You can see in the above picture that on the shelf in the background (upper right) that I have two types of mouse traps, the old fashioned kind with a tasty cheese bait, and then the new sticky surface kind, with some more cheese in the middle. I'm hoping he chooses the sticky surface kind, and then I will enjoy taunting him with my many other Bible and ancient Near East action figures who survived his killing spree. It is on, mouse!